Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc Your Licensed Trusted Partner for 24/7 Disaster Relief and Property Restoration in South California
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Water Damage Restoration
Mold Remediation
Mold Inspection
Biohazard Cleanup
Fire & Smoke Cleanup
Insurance Claims
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week The Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc Company can handle all of your water damage restoration, flood restoration, fire restoration, storm, sewage and mold remediation emergencies.
With more than 20 years of experience as an emergency restoration company, Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc is the #1 restoration company in the disaster relief industry. We have provided hundreds of clients with restoration emergency services from Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino, Riverside Counties.
Our entire team of restoration technicians, sales representatives, supervisors and customer service personnel understand that no one wants to experience an emergency that disrupts their home or office life, thus, we will always provide professional, compassionate, and friendly service.
We guarantee to come out to your property the same day as you contact us, and work diligently to restore your property to its pre-loss state as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Water Damage
Mold Remediation
Mold Inspection
Fire & Smoke Cleanup
Biohazard Cleanup
Insurance Claims
Water Restoration
Water damage is one of the problems that can face homeowners in any location. We often underestimate the destructive effect of water damage. If your home is close to the beach or Mountains, protecting is very important. If disaster strikes, consider your own safety first of all and leave your home until it is safe to return.
On occasion, Mother Nature likes to let us know that she is still in charge. She sends us bad weather in the form of rainstorms, hail storms, and hurricanes pipe burst. All three can cause water damage to your home or business.
Your first priority in case of a storm or flood should be to get out of harm’s way. Leave your home and find a place of safety. If you notice damage when you return home, give Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc a call. We can help you to deal with water damage and any remedial work that you need.
Removing water and drying out your home is a must after it has been damaged by a storm. We also make sure your electrical wiring has not been damaged.
Natural high water is becoming more frequent along the coastline. As ocean water levels continue to rise due to global warming, both high tides and severe storms threaten our homes and businesses.
If your home or business has been damaged by water, Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc can help to restore it to its former glory. Don’t hesitate to give us a call. Dampness is part of water damage. It can lead to problems with mold and mildew. Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc offer a mold remediation service along with many other expert home treatments.
Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc can help coastal-based home and business owners recover from water inundation. Never lose sight of the fact that personal safety is important. Call 911 and then go to a safe place.
Mold Remediation
Mold remediation involves mold removal as well as repairing and fixing any damage caused by the mold. Mildew and mold spores are very invasive.
They quickly spread throughout your property. To remove them permanently, you need to have the right equipment and technical expertise. Cleaning is done with special anti-microbial cleaners and agents that remove mold spores from your home.
While we are in your home, we will also check that mold spores are not growing in your vent and ducting. HVAC systems are often home to mold and mildew. During our time in business, Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc has learned to check all parts of the property for mold. Once we have completed the removal and remediation process, we issue what we like to call a “mold warranty.”
Fire & Smoke Cleanup
Fire damage as a result of the weather is still relatively rare. But, what is the future? If we can expect more severe storms, the end result can also be more intense lighting strikes. As we all know, lighting can cause serious damage.
When your home or business is affected by fire, ash and soot are released into the property. Soot and ash are light and can end up anywhere, including in your HVAC system.
Dirt and ash from fires can often contain carcinogenic substances which cause disease.
If you have experienced a fire in your home, professional cleaning and removal of ash and soot is a priority. Insurance companies often pay for this. Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc is happy to work with your home insurer. Call us and find out more about fire damage restoration.
Biohazard Cleanup
As part of our biohazard cleanup, we also offer a crime scene cleaning service.
Do we get biohazards in California? Yes, we do. For instance, old insulation material can contain dangerous substances such as asbestos and fiberglass. Nursing homes and hospitals often contract our biohazard cleanup team.
Our biohazard cleanup service is also available to schools and restaurants. Many restaurants and kitchens have their facilities deep cleaned at least once a year. More information about this service is available on our website.
Duct and Vent Cleaning
It is not only commercial establishments that have realized duct and vent cleaning is important. Homeowners are also having their HVAC ducts and vents cleaned more regularly.
Dust and dirt in air ducts and vents can lead to asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems
Getting in touch with Rapid Restoration Solutions, Inc is easy. You can contact us using the Chat Service on our website or give us a call. Our friendly team is always happy to help homeowners and businesses.